Thursday, February 23, 2012


Yesterday evening I climbed with V. This was the second time we'd met up. I was nervous about it. She's better than I am, and a lot slimmer, and I feel a bit lumbering beside her. Even my extra height, clearly an advantage for climbing (at our size), makes me feel awkward. I had badly wanted to be better than before when I saw her this time and I was sure I wouldn't be. We got on pretty well last time but I had a feeling maybe she'd been looking for someone more as a mentor.

I was there before she was and the next good thing was that we both recognised each other. The wall was the busiest I've seen it (when I booked in, they asked if I was with the club; dunno which; East Grinstead?) We settled in at the only free rope in the whole place, having not even looked at the grades, and she set off up what we thought was the easiest route. It wasn't and she found it tough. I looked at the grades and did the easier one, which was a 5, after a bit of faff. She had a go at the third route, then I tried the 6a she'd been on and after a lot of faff got about - I think it's fair to say half way. My best effort at that grade anyway (it wasn't the full wall at K2 though).

We moved on to another rope, climbed more, talked more. I got all the way up a 4 that I didn't manage last time, and found it easier than I remember - a lot easier. As it should be frankly but it's interesting. Tried the 6a on there and got nowhere. V was really helpful.

We got on much better this time. IMO, anyway. I was chuffed. Better all round.

1 comment:

  1. It's always good to find out that you are getting better. It's proof, when you find something easier than your did first time around. Good on you! What climbing have you planned for summer I wonder?
