Wednesday, January 11, 2012

All things pass - and a good evening

Well. Yesterday evening I had an argument with C, with whom apart from anything else I've had wonderful times in the Lakes and who introduced me to climbing. He pulled the plug, very suddenly, to avoid further conflict. It was a huge shock. I got 10 minutes sleep last night.

So today I did yoga and weights but forgot meditation, or rather just couldn't face it; didn't go for a walk. I will be running tomorrow.

Then this evening I went to the wall. I told K very roughly what had happened but without the details I doubt it makes much sense. To my amazement I had a good evening. Somehow the dictum of "don't think about it" came really easily and I got up 3 new routes! A 4, a 4+ and a 5.

The 4 had a huge overhang - I was almost totally upside down, but on enormous holds; the last seemed a big reach but I got it the 2nd time. I kept moving briskly and found it far less difficult than I expected.

The 4+ is one with a slight overhang, in 2 steps, which has spat me off repeatedly and felt impossible before. I got up it by putting in lots of little steps, some on features, some smearing.

The 5 was in a chimney. I'm really chuffed with that - not only with getting up but with trying it. Come to think of it, I got up first time. So I've done two 5's now.

Kevin the instructor (who was busy with others and we didn't really feel the need of him) asked about Scotland and whether I had photos. I want to print out some climbing and walking pics and put them in an album.

It feels good to climb just for myself. Very bittersweet though. Today it came easily to work hard.

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