Sunday, February 5, 2012

Odds and ends

It snowed overnight but I didn't go out in it today. Not like me really but I'm coddling myself in the hope of shifting a cold so that I can feel OK about running again.

Yoga - went well; wonder when I'll be able to drop into plank instead of putting my knees down, but I think other forms of practice will be better for getting to that.

Must start doing the "5 mins" sections of pilates each day - they'll take me a lot longer than that to learn but once I know them they'll get quicker. Not macho stuff but effective.

I found a new climbing blog I loved yesterday but my comment isn't appearing on it. Either he hasn't seen it or my face doesn't fit.

This coming week is looking good:
Monday: climbing with B, hopefully
Weds: film and so on in London
Thurs: climbing with K
Fri: climbing with new UKC lady. I *really* hope that works out but either way it's another session.

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