Monday, January 23, 2012


Yoga in the morning, and then climbed with Kevin.

Realised I'd left my chalk bag in Crawley - hope it's found its way to lost property there, must call them tomorrow about it.

This evening I was foiled by a new 4+ - a small pinchy hold on the right and a big reach to the left; might get it next week. Got up a 5. Had a go at a 5+, very steep over hang (right upside down) but with big holds, but no way to support with the legs (well, no way for me just now - need more core strength) so came straight off. I'll get there though. I think apart from anything else I need to be quick on it.

Tomorrow I'll run beyond the 5k mark in the middle of a field that I use for the first time. Small thing but good. And do the arms/back section of the pilates book.

I do know that I stop earlier than I should do on routes just now. I'm scared not of falling, but of hurting myself. I don't think that's really likely - I mean pulling something or whatever. I think it would be more repetitive stuff that would do that. Find it hard to motivate myself to push really hard. Kevin rarely does and never more than once on a route or in an evening. Can't blame him though, I need to find it in myself. I do want it.

PS - couple more things. I noticed a woman whose climbing I admried; she was quite short, not fat but not skinny either, but climbed well. I asked later how long she'd been climbing and she said 2 years.

Yesterday in Crawley as I was labouring up the auto-belay route there was a man beside me making rather a lot of noise - lots of huffing and puffing. One or two of his friends down the bottom were calling out encouragement. They didn't seem to be very big moves he was making so I couldn't really see what the fuss was about. Then just after he got to the bottom, a little lad went running up to a woman who'd just arrived and shouted, "My dad's just got up a 7c with a broken collar-bone!"

1 comment:

  1. I know this is mostly for yourself, but I just wanted to let you know that I find this other world totally fascinating...!
